August 20, 2007

Frisket (temporarily) of Thorndike Street


Frisket is settling in well to her life here in Cambridge, MA. She's met a few dogs from the neighborhood and has been closely monitoring the progress of our house painting project. We think she's getting to enjoy the freedom of the garden; she's dug a few holes here and there and has planted her toys in strategic places. When we are downstairs we leave the door open for her to come in and out. Her favorite place seems to be at the top of the back steps, overlooking her new domain. She's tolerating Harriet and Thomas very well, and Thomas grins away and kicks madly whenever she is near. Harriet "decorates" her with blankie, or other things, and Frisket doesn't seem to mind much! This week will be quieter for her as Alister is back to work and I'm trying to get more work done, but she comes out morning, noon and night for walks and seems, generally, quite happy.

Posted by abigail at 12:50 PM

August 11, 2007


Mortified, originally uploaded by epc.

Posted by epcflickr at 01:08 AM

August 01, 2007


Frisket, originally uploaded by epc.

Posted by epcflickr at 12:53 AM