December 20, 2008
The Frisket & Sailor 2009 Wall Calendar
A bit late, but I was playing around with qoop to create a wall calendar of Frisket & Sailor photos. Click on the graphic to check it out and place an order (though at $20.09 I suspect there won't be many orders).
December 18, 2008
Frisket cut a pad on her right front paw while going to work on Tuesday.
December 17, 2008
Frisket's latest injury
Apparently Frisket injured herself on the way to work at Google NY yesterday. It's unclear whether or not she can file for workmen's compensation (apparently there's an exclusion of certain species).
Unclear what happened, but she either punctured or sliced the outermost pad on her right front paw. This happened once before, in May 2003, that time I waited a few days and it healed, but then got infected. So today I carried her over to Vinegar Hill Vet and they sent us home with some steroids and a wash for the paw.