April 23, 2011
Frisket’s Temporary Physical Relocation
Frisket and her sister Sailor are taking an extended business trip to San Francisco starting the week of April 25, 2011 through the end of July 2011. I’d come up with some fantasy about Frisket trying new trading strategies, but am wiped out from last minute cleaning and packing and instead will concede: it’s Google’s fault.
But it gives the girls an excellent opportunity to see Road Side America. Their itinerary is:
- Tuesday April 26, 2011 — Erie, PA
- They’ll be driven to beautiful Erie, PA where we’ve been assured it’s still deep winter. They’ll meet one of their cousins (an Irish Wolfhound) and some friends of the family and possibly take in Presque Isle.
- Thursday April 28, 2011 — Denham, IN
- On Thursday they’ll be driven to the greater Denham, IN metropolitan area, pop. 50 where they’ll get to frolic on the family farm and snarf down some soybeans (I think it’s a soybean year).
- Friday April 29 - Sunday May 1, 2011 — Chicago, IL
- They’ll then drive to Chicago where they’ll stay at the lovely W Hotel Lake Shore Drive (quite possibly Frisket’s favorite hotel ever though the Park Hyatt DC is in tight contention for this honor). They’ll visit various friends and family including Loretta of Sycamore, IL and her people.
- Monday May 2 — Ømaha, NE
- The first of five solid days of driving ends in Omaha, NE.
- Tuesday May 3 — Cheyenne, WY
- Frisket has asked to see Devil’s Tower and the spaceship from Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I question her motives.
- Wednesday May 4 — Salt Lake City, UT
- I’m getting tired even just writing this…ahem… another day of driving ends in SLC. Frisket and Sailor have asked to demonstrate their support for same sex marriage in front of the Mormon Tabernacle. I’m not certain I’ll be able to bail them about before…
- Heading to Reno, NV on Thursday May 5, 2011
- I don’t plan to gamble at all but Frisket has been printing up her own casino chips to try to sneak in. I think she’s watched Ocean’s 11 one too many times. Sailor, as you know, is just a dog and will be perfectly content to just be out of the freaking car already.
- Friday May 6, 2011 — San Francisco, CA
- Barring unforeseen events, we arrive in San Francisco on Friday the 6th. I’ve already warned Lisa that on arrival I expect her to take the dogs away from me for the next several days, at least until I start speaking English again and not Golden Retriever.
We’ll be in San Francisco until mid-July when I start the reverse trip. My plan for the return is to head back to Salt Lake City but then to cut South to Boulder and take I–70 the rest of the way (well, to Breezewood, PA then I–76/78/80).
Apologies for the lack of photos
Seems flickr has disabled the ability to post to MovableType blogs as part of an “enhancement” to its services, as a result I lost the ability to post photos over here with 1-2 clicks. So it’s a manual process until I figure out an alternative.
Here’s some recent photos of Miss Frisket in the interim: